Medicare-For-All is not in the Democratic platform, correct? Because Biden is against it. That’s disappointing. One plank I do want to see in the Democrat platform is a pledge of no pardons for Chump or any of his henchmen for the crimes they committed while serving in the Executive Branch. I also want to see a plank calling for a Nuremberg-like trial and investigation into all the...
We need fewer ambitious people a lot more talented people
One of the reasons the United States is a failed state is because it is run by people whose ambitions far exceed their talents. That’s why I’m excited that the Democratic Presidential ticket is made up of people who did not go to Ivy League colleges. (Though admittedly Howard has been called the Harvard of Historically Black Colleges.) Ivy League grads are notoriously ambitious. That’s why they...
Why is everyone so afraid of big, bad AOC?
Why are all these readers of the “NY Times” and “Washington Post” dumping on AOC? They keep saying she is “too far left.” Well, that would make her middle-of-the-road in Europe. You know Europe, where they are reopening their economies and have nowhere near the unemployment we do. You know Europe, where the number of deaths and cases of the Chump Plague are significantly fewer than here in...
Bloomberg for President bumper stickers!
Mike makes me frisky! Bloomberg 2020 Mike Bloomberg—The people’s billionaire. There are 54 billion reasons why Mike Bloomberg should be President. And counting. Occupy Pennsylvania Avenue. Bloomberg for President Mike Bloomberg—Because all the other Democrats suck. Just give Mike the damn nomination already! Bloomberg for President Mighty Mike has come to save the day! Bloomberg for...
On the other hand, if Chump doesn’t feel like being nice…
… he can start doing Joe Biden jokes. That would be better than straight-out insults: “Joe was really excited to come to the White House the other day. He thought we were having a sleepover.” “Joe’s a big fan of the Bears. That’s because bears are always hibernating.” “Joe was always jealous of Luca Brasi. Because Luca got to sleep with the fishes.” “Did you hear what Joe said when asked if...
The Democrats getting schooled again
Why are we calling it the “Wealth Tax?” Why aren’t we calling it the “Plutocrat Tax?” Or the “Fat Cat Tax?” Or my choice, “The Mr. Burns Tax?” Why do the Republicans always get to set the agenda? One reason is because they employ very good wordsmiths. They’re clever. Democrats don’t seem to value words. For example, Kamala Harris is the only Democrat running...
I got hired by Frank Luntz
The famous Republican Party pollster has his office right here in Bethesda. And he’s hired me to come up with some new Republican Party euphemisms. As Frank explains it: “It’s not what you say. It’s what they hear.” Here’s what I’ve got so far: racial profiling – melanin data collecting income inequality – wage diversity white nationalism – Caucasian conservation anti-Semitism –...
It’s the hate, stupid!
I find it amazing how no matter how much Donald Chump screws up the economy for the people who are supposed to be his base supporters—like farmers—they still love the conman. Which makes me realize that it isn’t economics that is driving the MAGA people in the Midwest and all these towns in America that are supposedly failing. If economics was truly the main concern of these people, they wouldn’t...
Politics is the worst retail advertising
Reading and watching the news about last night’s elections, it’s obvious politics is more of a sporting event separating the winners from the losers than it is a communal exercise in rational self-government. Ideas aren’t elevated. Rather they are reduced to a scrum. Issues aren’t discussed. They are used to divide. Politicians don’t appeal to our higher instincts. They don’t try to reach out to...
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