I got hired by Frank Luntz


The famous Republican Party pollster has his office right here in Bethesda. And he’s hired me to come up with some new Republican Party euphemisms.

As Frank explains it: “It’s not what you say.  It’s what they hear.”

Here’s what I’ve got so far:

  • racial profiling – melanin data collecting
  • income inequality – wage diversity
  • white nationalism – Caucasian conservation
  • anti-Semitism – biblical bias
  • billionaires – capital artisans
  • fracking – freedom wildcatting
  • progressive taxation – pitchfork redistribution
  • voter suppression – plebiscite protection
  • concentrated wealth – capital intensity
  • global warming – post-Ice Age thaw
  • conflicts of interest – points of negotiation
  • MSNBC – verbal pollution
  • wealth tax – the Devil’s arithmetic
  • blackface – historical cosmetology
  • Facebook – digital diarrhea

About the author

Mark Mocarski

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